An idea, a product, a huge vision – a technology that is needed and will certainly impact the outcomes with patients. Now what?!
Ideas are not new.
Projects are not limited.
Resources are.
So how does an individual inventor, entrepreneur or small company efficiently move a new idea or product through the clinical and regulatory maze without investing excessive resources to merely vet the concept and hire experienced clinical affairs, regulatory and commercialization experts?
In 2014 the United States was at an eight year high in mergers and acquisitions totaling over $49 billion spread between 68 biotech deals. As a result of these mergers, highly skilled engineers, regulatory affairs, clinical affairs, and market development experts found themselves on the market, independent and available. Large companies worked hard to create lean organizations, and reduce redundancy and overlap from promising acquisitions.
Combined with the fast-paced advancement of IT, Skype, and webex / live media the need to work for a single house or company became less ideal and greater opportunities for collaborative experts was born, offering the expertise and experience from diverse corporate roles to become available to the newest or resource limited entrepreneur.